
Altitude:DirectedbyMartinaAmati.WithMartinaAmati,VitoDiRosa,JosephFiennes,DavidGothard.,Cast(57)·DeniseRichards·GreerGrammer·DolphLundgren·JonathanLipnicki·ChelseaEdmundson·JohnPosey·PeggyMiley·ChuckLiddell.Rawbones ...,Inthenottoodistantfuture,adriftertravellingthroughthedesertdiscoversthelargestgoldnuggeteverfound.Hemustguarditfromthievesamidharsh ...,,Insearchofthecabintheyencounterincreasi...

Altitude (2005)

Altitude: Directed by Martina Amati. With Martina Amati, Vito Di Rosa, Joseph Fiennes, David Gothard.

“Cast” credits

Cast (57) · Denise Richards · Greer Grammer · Dolph Lundgren · Jonathan Lipnicki · Chelsea Edmundson · John Posey · Peggy Miley · Chuck Liddell. Rawbones ...

Altitude Film Entertainment (GB) (Sorted by Popularity ...

In the not too distant future, a drifter travelling through the desert discovers the largest gold nugget ever found. He must guard it from thieves amid harsh ...

Altitude (Short 2019)

In search of the cabin they encounter increasingly strange events. Lost in those heights, eventually a life-threatening battle between reality and illusion...


Denise Richards plays an FBI hostage negotiator who is being banished to a desk job. On her flight she is upgraded after an altercation with an obese passenger ...


Altitude. Altitude. Thriller. After an accident leaves a hot air balloon soaring uncontrollably into the sky, three passengers struggle to get back down before ...

Altitude (2010)

After a mysterious malfunction sends their small plane climbing out of control, a rookie pilot and her four teenage friends find themselves trapped in a deadly ...

Altitude (2017)

When a gang of professional thieves takes control of the plane, she realizes he isn't joking. Soon Gretchen finds herself caught in the middle of an elaborate ...